High Performance Ash

HP Ash - mircroscope

High Performance Ash

Cement Australia’s High Performance (HP) Ash is a supplementary cementitious material (SCM) that enables reduced CO2 in concrete through increased replacement of GP Cement, without compromising strength performance.

HP Ash is a premium fly ash that fully complies with the requirements for Grade 1 Fly Ash in Australian Standard AS3582.1 – Supplementary cementitious materials for use with General Purpose and blended cement. 

In addition to the benefits of Grade 1 Fly Ash such as improved later-age strength, workability and enhanced durability, HP Ash also provides low drying shrinkage and high early age strength. HP Ash is suitable for premixed and pre-cast concrete applications.

*HP Ash- microscope view


Data Sheet

  • Enables a significant reduction of embodied CO2 in concrete through increased replacement of GP Cement 
  • Reduces waste going to landfill 
  • High early strength development compared with standard Fly Ash 
  • Potential efflorescence reduction 
  • Lower drying shrinkage 
  • Enhanced durability and workability 
  • Improved resistance to chemical attack and chloride penetration 
  • Reduced potential for Alkali Aggregate Reactions (AAR)