Health & Safety

At Cement Australia, we are committed to the physical and psychological safety, health and well-being of our workforce and to the safety of the products and services that we provide.

We have implemented a safety management system externally certified to AS/NZS 4801 and adopted 5 key life saving rules for our business:

  1. Safety Provisions: Do not override or interfere with any safety provision nor allow anyone else to override or interfere with them
  2. Protective Equipment: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) rules applicable to a given task, must be adhered to at all times
  3. Isolation and Lock Out Procedures: Isolation and Lock Out procedures must always be followed
  4. No Alcohol or Other Drugs: Zero limit for alcohol and other drugs
  5. Reporting Culture: All injuries and incidents must be reported and acted upon.

Our approach to safe behaviours focuses on 5 “Next Step” principles: Assess the area, Body limits, Line of fire, Eyes on path and Eyes on hands.