Quality Control Process
Because the material collected for processing by Geocycle often varies considerably in composition and form it is important that all material is identified accurately in order to get the very best end product during the superblender process. Geocycle has invested in a purpose build world standard laboratory facility, staffed by experienced chemists who are trained in the use of modern analytical testing equipment.
The state-of-the-art laboratory contains the latest analytical test equipment and every step of the process is closely monitored to achieve the best possible fuel product for Cement Australia’s cement kilns.
Typical instrumentation includes:-
Bomb calorimeter
Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrophotometer
Gas chromatograph
UV spectrophotometer
Microwave digester
Auto-titrator for chloride analysis
Through the analysis of pre-delivery samples, Geocycle is able to partner with its customers to determine the suitability of their waste and by-products for use as a fuel and/or raw material in the cement making process.
For further information regarding the Cement Australia's laboratory click here.
Given the nature of the materials that Geocycle processes, strict attention is given to best practice safety, health, environment and compliance (SHEC) requirements - adherence to these practices is integral to the way we do business.
Geocycle’s robust management systems ensure that it handles these materials in a caring and responsible manner, and in the process, assisting its customers to meet their commitments and added confidence of dealing with a supplier of waste management services certified in quality, environmental and OH&S management systems.
Dependent on the physical and chemical characteristics of the waste, Geocycle can safely and securely manage the transport from customer site to our AFR blending platform in Dandenong (Victoria), or alternatively the AFR processing platforms at our Railton (Tasmania) or Gladstone (Queensland) Cement Australia cement kilns.
Scheduling, Collection and Transportation of Hazardous and Non-Hazardous material are a specialised activity, relying on a specialised team. Geocycle has the experience, resources and industry know how to move your material accordingly. All collections are done in line with State and National Legislation, continually focusing on safety and efficiency.
Freight Modes and Packaging types we utilise:
Australian Ports & Wharfs
Loose packaged
International Consignments – Bulk & Packaged
Domestic Collections
Small Packs, IBC’s, Drums & Overpacks
All of our Logistics Operations apply:
National Chain of Responsibility Laws (CoR)
National Dangerous Goods Code (ADG7)
International Maritime DG Code (IMDG 14)
Load Capacity & Restraints
DG and EPA Certified Operators